Saturday, August 6, 2011


I had in February 10th 2010 posted an article in support of Mej Nor Ibrahim Sulaiman RMAF (Retired) who believed that officers and soldiers who are recipients’ of the gallantry award of the Jasa Perkasa Persekutuan (JPP) and Pingat Tentera Udara (PTU) deserves to receive a ‘gallantry allowance’ on a similar basis as the recipients of the PGB and SP. Mej Nor Ibrahim began his ‘struggle’ to obtain some form of ‘monetary recognition’ from the government dates back to 2008.

On July 30th 2011, PM Najib finally announced that all recipients of the JPP and PTU will be granted a monthly allowance of RM1000 backdated to 2009, thus ending the long and perilous struggle by a lone retired air force officer to obtain full recognition from the government that the JPP and PTU are no less superior gallantry awards than the PGB and SP. For his achievement, I salute Mej Nor Ibrahim who has proven to others by his exemplary act that being retired does not make him a discard, but still has in him the spirit and valor to fight; not for himself, but for the benefit of others. His unselfish deed is history for the RMAF and the Armed Forces in particular, and he must be honored as such.

Now this leaves just one more award i.e. the Kepujian Perutusan Keberanian (KPK) that is also recognized as a gallantry award that should rightfully deserve a similar recognition as the other four gallantry awards. Why was it that the KPK being a gallantry award deserves no recognition at all? If at all the KPK is deemed a ‘lesser gallantry award’, than wouldn’t it be proper that a ‘lesser gallantry allowance’ be considered? It is too much for the government to allocate some form of allowances to the recipients of the KPK who had sacrificed their lives to make this country free and safe?

I think the amount of allowances to be granted to all recipients of the KPK is far less that the amount of money loss through corruption by unscrupulous government officials, and let’s be truthful about this. A life lost or maimed in defence of the country is valueless, unlike the piece of jewelry that are worn by the ladies of the rich and famous.

I now plea on behalf of all recipients of the KPK for the government to reconsider granting some form of allowance to such recipients, and that their sacrifice to the nation is not left in vain. Can someone now takeover from where Mej Nor Ibrahim has left i.e. a long and perilous struggle to win recognition for the KPK?

To know more of Mej Nor Ibrahim please view his blog at



basri bin omar said...

Salam Ramadhan Dato!

Syukur Alhamdulillah atas kurniaanNYA yang tak pernah HABIS2(Engkau MINTA,Aku Beri...!)Itulah ALLAH Maha Pemberi lagi Maha Pemurah....kerja yang di buat oleh Mej Md Nor Ibrahim amat MURNI...memperjuangkan HAK..walaupun di cemuh dan di caci..Sebagai seorang yang ISTIQOMAH dan gigih dlm perjuangan AKHIRnya hajat dan permintaan TERCAPAI..Sebagai seorang Pesara Tentera,saya turut bangga dan bersyukur atas Anugerah Elaun Kenangan tu...2 Bekas Warga RAJD turut mendapat Imbuhan tu..Brig Jen Dato' Pahlawan Jamil bin Tahir(Bersara)-Bekas Ketua Jurutera
dan Bekas SSjn Zakaria.Mereka terlibat dalam Pemusnahan Bom Tentera Merah Jepun yang menawan beberapa TEBUSAN dalam Bgnan AIA di Kuala Lumpur dlm tahun 1976 dulu.
Kpd Mej Md Nor! saya doakan agar kerja BAIK Tuan di ganjarkan setimpal oleh Allah SWT.AMIN!

KPK ...terdapat 33 Bekas Warga RAJD menerima kerana terlibat dalam Operasi Memusnah Jerangkap Samar di Era Insurgensi dulu...terdapat beberapa di antara mereka terkorban...AlFatihah!

Selamat Meneruskan Ibadah dlm Bulan Ramadhan!

tiongsinwee said...

Syabas saya ucapkan kepada Mej Nor Ibrahim Sulaiman dan 33 Bekas Warga RAJD, yang mana jasa merika telah diiktiraf dengan pemberian elaun terhadap pingat KPK itu.
Topik perbincangan saya disini adalah tentang pemberian Pingat Jasa Malaysia....yang kini sungguh hangat diperbincangkan...its given out like hot cakes.
Pada pengetahuan/fahaman saya, pingat ini diberi kepada seseorang VETERAN (yang telah hanya berkhidmat dengan ATM - tidak kira untuk berapa tahun). Maksud saya....merika yang telah berkhidmat dan bukannya BERJASA. Untuk maklumat bersama.....maksud kepada kedua-dua perkataan ini...BERKHIDMAT dan BERJASA adalah sungguh berbeza.
Cadangan saya kepada satu cawangan PBTM....agar pemberian PJM ini diperketatkan, agar 'value' nya lebih bermakna...malangnya, telah ditolak bulat-bulat. Merika telah menolak usul saya ini dengan menyatakan bahawa ianya tidak mustahak!
In the end....i do see that every VETERAN would be given this PJM award. So....where's the real value of this award? Your comments gentlemen!