Thursday, January 29, 2009


So the A-G has rejected police findings on the Kugan murder case, and wants a more thorough investigation, reports the New Straits Times. What does this indicate?

Is there an attempt to cover up the truth in order to protect the 11 policemen involved from persecution? Or was the report too heavily tailored to make it appear that the cause of death was indeed the accumulation of fluid in the lungs as reported earlier by the CPO Selangor? Whatever the reason for the A-G’s rejection of the police findings, must have been serious enough, and the A-G knows fully well that his decision concerning this case is being watched very closely by the concerned public, and more so by the legal fraternity. And more importantly, a decision perceived by the public to be wrong, will certainly impact upon the popularity of both the government and the judiciary, that has since the last few years saw a rising tide of public anger against both the aforesaid institutions.

Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar had even voiced his concern when he said “If someone dies in custody, there is no compromise. We will investigate and take action”, and that is exactly what the public wants the police to do. And rather than do what they are suppose to do, the Selangor CPO, has come out with a statement that raises more suspicion than truth. This is where the problem lies, and the Selangor CPO must bare the full brunt of public anger.

I believe the Kugan case has been poorly handled by the police themselves. Had they taken a more friendly approach by explaining the truth to the aggrieved family, the case would not have been blown out of proportion. The police would have known exactly what had happened to Kugan when he was in custody, and by denying the truth, the entire police force is now being placed on the defensive. Everything they say now is viewed with distrust and suspicion, and it will take time for the police to regain public confidence.

I think, had the police acted more professionally by telling the truth, they would have been highly praised and regarded with dignity, and received public accolades. Certainly, by this incident, the police have missed the opportunity to redeem themselves.

Posted at 16.00pm on Jan 29, 2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The Laws which govern this incident is outdated and need to be reviewed in Parliament.We should now emulate a law which is fair to everybody the general public and the police. For every death in the lockup it must be automatically investigated under s302 of the Penal Code i.e murder.If it involved allegation gainst Policemen then the investigation should not be conducted by the police it must be headed by an independant party like DPP or a Judge,rep from Bar Council,family lawyers and NGOs if relevant.At the end of the investigation charges will be framed according to evidences available whether for murder or causing death.Afterall the existing procedures requires the police to investigate and the AG is the one who frame the charges.By excluding the police in the investigation it will be seen that there is no tampering of evidence has happened and police will not be alleged to have cooked ecvidence like the case of Kugan."Kan ke bodoh punya kerja dia pukol orang lepas tu dia investigate" apa kah ini keadilan ala Malaysia nama nya......tak boleh fikir ke......Kita bukan nak kan Polis jadi pembunoh berunifrom tetapi undang undang kita yang tidak betul......Parlimen bertanggung jawab untuk membetulkannya.